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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year - Strategy

I talk a lot about writing. I read a lot and watch a lot of television. But how much time do I actually spend writing - and writing the novels that I spend a lot of time researching for. Hmmm. Not going to answer that. Because the reality is that I talk more than I type.

I wasn't always like this. When my children were little and the money earned from writing was crucial, my ass was in my chair every night. Writing my columns. Writing poems. Writing any and everything I knew how to write to make sure my children had food in their mouths.

Now. I make a damn good salary. My children are grown and away from home with their own families and as much as I love writing, the drive to do it isn't as strong as the necessity used to be. But again, I still love writing. So, what to do.

I have decided that I will spend less time on television. Less time doing non-crucial time burners, like playing games on Facebook. And actually track my progress on my blog to see if what I say I'm doing, I'm actually doing.

It's 6:50 am - and I am off to work soon. This evening, when I finish today's writing, I will repost. And my goal is to repost daily for the next year, to see how I am progressing. Technically, it's a New Year's resolution but since I was sick yesterday and spent the majority of the day in the bed and didn't read or write, my year starts a day later. If you are a writer and want to post your progress with me, let's enjoy the journey towards publication together.


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